Julia Draškoci Ropret

Julia Draškoci is a ceramic artist, graduated (MA) from the department of ceramics Academy of applied arts in Belgrade, Serbia. Independent artist professional and member of ULUPUDS (2011).
Co-founder and co-owner of Blatobran gallery for ceramics, opened in 2015 alongside with colleagues and friends.
Tremendously excited about each new test tile, making pottery to be used, experimenting with glazes and clays.

“Growing up beside a painter and a musician led me to choose clay as my medium of expression. I’ve always played with pantry supplies as a kid mixing “recipes”. Later on, I’ve discovered chemistry to be equally exciting but alone it didn’t appeal to me enough.
Then, in between studying French and drawing constantly I discovered ceramics. And that was it. Ceramics is grounded in rational and has just the right amount of science to meet my need to experiment and rejoice each test tile. Pottery has a physical aspect where I need to be focused and present.